what do you think about the foot?

I've been reading more and more opinions against the Gnome logo. more and more contributors involved in the project prefer to leave it out or do away with it although. they don't like the 'dated' look or cannot crop it properly due to a lack of vertical balance.

as a graphic designer myself, if I had to design a logo for the Gnome project, I'd probably not design this one. I don't think that it reflects the Gnome look or the visual direction Gnome chose to take with the adwaita theme. yet, I must say that, while I'm not sentimental about this logo in away, I've grown to like it enough. or perhaps, I just don't mind it representing this project that I love.

I think overall it's a strong symbol, encapsulating the letter G in the form of a footprint. a footprint left by a community endeavour (represented by the toes for the contributors) that collectively creates a wonderful product in the desktop computing world. I like that it has a character and is slightly quirky and not necessarily the most modern mark amongst other IT companies. that being said, I also wouldn't mind seeing it change and evolve, if a better option is being proposed.

I was just curious to hear how people here feel about it :)