H: B2B EN06 farming for you and 2 friends W: toxic goo
H: Leaders W: Pin-Pointers Mod
H:LimitBreaking,PinPointers,Reflective Mods W: 15 leaders each or 2 for 1 Glowing Leader
H: leaders W: weenie wagon
H: 13 leaders W: pin-pointers
W: pin pointers H: offers
H: 300 Leaders W: 30 Reflective mods
H: 4k Leaders W: Misc In description
W: gatling plasma modded with these: H: flux, mod boxes, junk, ammo, chems, just ask.
[xb1] w: nuka dark plan h: whatever it’s worth
H: 10k Bobby pins W: 200 leaders
H: 100k Mr fuzzy tokens W: 400 leaders
H:Leaders W:TS9s
H: 10 leaders ea W: 2 limit breaking mods
H: 10k Caps W: 100 Whiskey
H:LimitBreaking,PinPointers,Reflective Mods W: 10 leaders per (20 max) or 1 Glowing leader per x2 mods (20 max)
H: offers W: 2 pin pointers
H: glowing leaders W: purified water 1:2000
H: Legacies, bobby pins, and a wasteland lotto W: Leader offers
H: glowing bobblehead caps, charisma, energy weapons, explosive, lock picking, science, sneak, strength, unarmed W: glowing bobblehead intelligence, repair
H:250k fuel or .45 ammo W:2.5k Bobby Pins or 1 Glowing Leader
Confessions of a Bobby Pin Collector Giveaway 2.5 *** Winner***
H: 5 Large holiday gifts W: price check
H: glowing robot W: 5 limit breaking + GSB or GHB
H:LimitBreaking,PinPointers,Reflective Mods W:15 leaders per or 1 glowing leader per